About Kate

With 15+ years of experience teaching violin lessons and music classes, private tutoring, and classroom teaching, Kate is passionate about teaching children in a variety of contexts and supporting parents and caregivers in their child's educational journey.

Kate has always had a love of reading, and as she began teaching in the classroom, she noticed that many students did not feel confident or capable as readers. Since then, she has been on a mission to help children learn foundational reading skills through a structured literacy approach that is supported by the science of how our brains learn to read. Kate makes learning to read fun and engaging, creating thriving readers.

Kate also helps parents and caregivers to support their child's reading journey by translating the reading research to make it easy to understand and practice foundational skills at home. Printable resources are also offered to support learning to read at home.

Kate has a Master of Arts in Child Study and Education, and an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Childhood and Social Institutions with a Minor in Psychology as well as a Certificate in Loss, Grief and Bereavement Studies.

Kate is a certified teacher with the Ontario College of Teachers in Canada.

Contact Us


Private Tutoring

Our tutoring lessons follow a structured literacy approach rooted in the science of reading. Each lesson is engaging and tailored to your child's specific learning needs. We incorporate a variety of games and decodable passages/books that help your child practice foundational literacy skills.

Assessment Package

We can complete a series of reading and writing assessments to help you better understand your child's current abilities and determine next steps to support their learning. You can use this information for your own knowledge and awareness, or bring it to their classroom teacher or doctor to help receive support from additional community resources.

*We cannot diagnose dyslexia or other learning disabilities

Buddy Tutoring

Children can invite a buddy (up to 2 additional children) to participate in a small-group tutoring program. All children must be at a similar reading level. Each child will receive a 20% discount. Contact us for more information.

Parent Coaching and

Home School Support

Do you want to teach your child to read at home, but you're not sure where to start? Are you a homeschool family in need of guidance for your literacy instruction? We can help you understand how the brain learns to read, and give you effective strategies and resources so that you can teach your child how to read at home.

Baby and Toddler Classes

Coming Soon

School Age Classes

Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child will grow out of their reading struggles naturally with time?

Learning to read is not a natural process like learning to walk or talk. The brain does not have a dedicated area for learning how to read. Instead, it takes purposeful instruction to learn how to connect the visual cortex (perceive letters and words), the phonological cortex (maps the sounds to letters), the semantic cortex (stores word meanings), and the syntactic cortex (understand the rules and structure of sentences).

Check out: Reading Rockets: What We Know About Reading and the Brain

Is my child too young for a reading tutor?

Reading support in the early years reduces the chance of developing low confidence and poor self-esteem in academics. We can help young children learn foundational skills in reading that will help them become capable learners from the very beginning.

What does a typical tutoring lesson look like?

We begin by reviewing letter sounds, heart words, and concepts that we have been working on so far. We introduce a new concept and play a variety of games and read decodable passages to practice the skill. Each lesson is engaging and tailored to your child's specific learning needs.

Where reading skills blossom and confidence grows